
Winter Lightning to the Lee of Lake Ontario: the Lake-Effect Electrification (LEE) Field Campaign

Scott M. Steiger, Eric C. Bruning, Vanna C. Chmielewski, Geoffrey Stano, John Trostel, Kristin M. Calhoun, Kaitlyn R. Jesmonth, Bee Lamsma,Timothy Lang, Shaun Laurinaitis, Jessica Losego,Jacquelyn S. Ringhausen, Michael Stock, Yonggang Wang, Sean M. Waugh,Stephanie A. Weiss, Thomas Weist, Thomas White

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society(2024)

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Abstract The National Science Foundation-sponsored Lake-Effect Electrification (LEE) field campaign intensive observation periods occurred between November and early February 2022-23 across the eastern Lake Ontario region. Project LEE documented, for the first time, the total lightning and electrical charge structures of lake-effect storms and the associated storm environment using a lightning mapping array (LMA), a mobile dual-polarization X-band radar, and balloon-based soundings that measured vertical profiles of temperature, humidity, wind, electric field, and hydrometeor types. LEE also observed abundant wind turbine-initiated lightning, which is climatologically more likely during the winter. The frequent occurrence of intense lake-effect storms and the proximity of a wind farm with nearly 300 turbines each more than 100 m tall to the lee of Lake Ontario provided an ideal laboratory for this study. The field project involved many undergraduate (>20) and graduate students. Some foreseen and unforeseen challenges included: clearing the LMA solar panels of snow and continuous operation in low-sunlight conditions, large sonde balloons prematurely popping due to extremely cold conditions, sonde lines breaking, recovering probes in deep snow in heavily forested areas, vehicles getting stuck in the snowpack, and an abnormally dry season for parts of the LEE domain. In spite of these difficulties a dataset was collected in multiple lake-effect snowstorms (11 observation periods) and one extra-tropical cyclone snowstorm that clarifies the electrical structure of these systems. A key finding was the existence of a near surface substantial positive charge layer (1 nC m-3) near the shoreline during lake-effect thunderstorms.
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