The dynamic reconfiguration of the functional network during episodic memory task predicts the memory performance.

Yuanbing Shi,Lan Yang, Jiayu Lu,Ting Yan, Yongkang Ding,Bin Wang

Scientific reports(2024)

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Episodic memory is essential for forming and retaining personal experiences, representing a fundamental aspect of human cognition. Traditional studies of episodic memory have typically used static analysis methods, viewing the brain as an unchanging entity and overlooking its dynamic properties over time. In this study, we utilized dynamic functional connectivity analysis on fMRI data from healthy adults performing an episodic memory task. We quantified integration and recruitment metrics and examined their correlation with memory performance using Pearson correlation. During encoding, integration across the entire brain, especially within the frontoparietal subnetwork, was significantly correlated with memory performance. During retrieval, recruitment becomes significantly associated with memory performance in visual subnetwork, somatomotor subnetwork, and ventral attention subnetwork. At the nodal level, a significant negative correlation was observed between memory scores and integration of the anterior cingulate gyrus, precentral gyrus, and inferior frontal gyrus within the frontoparietal network during encoding task. During retrieval task, a significant negative correlation was found between memory scores and recruitment in the left progranular cortex and right transverse gyral ventral, whereas positive correlations were seen in the right posterior inferior temporal, left middle temporal, right frontal operculum, and left operculum nodes. Moreover, the dynamic reconfiguration of the functional network was predictive of predict memory performance, as demonstrated by a significant correlation between actual and predicted memory scores. These findings advance our understanding network mechanisms underlying memory processes and developing intervention approaches for memory-related disorders as they shed light on critical factors involved in cognitive processes and provide a deeper understanding of the underlying mechanisms driving cognitive function.
Episodic memory task,Dynamic reconfiguration,Integration,Recruitment,Memory performance
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