Discovery of GNE-6893, a Potent, Selective, Orally Bioavailable Small Molecule Inhibitor of HPK1
John C. Tellis,BinQing Wei,Michael Siu,Le An,Grace Kayan Chan,Yong Chen,Xiangnan Du,Lewis Gazzard,Baihua Hu, James Kiefer,Satoko Kakiuchi-Kiyota,Michael Lainchbury,Jonathan L. Linehan,Xifeng Luo,Sushant Malhotra,Rohan Mendonca,Jodie Pang, Yinqing Ran,Vijay Sethuraman,Eileen Seward, Chris Sneeringer,Dian Su,Weiru Wang,Ping Wu,John G. Moffat,Timothy P. Heffron,Edna F. Choo,Bryan K. Chan ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters(2024)
HPK1,kinase inhibitor,cancerimmunology
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