Enhancing Pre-trained Deep Learning Model with Self-Adaptive Reflection

Xinzhi Wang,Mengyue Li, Hang Yu,Chenyang Wang, Vijayan Sugumaran,Hui Zhang

Cognitive Computation(2024)

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In the text mining area, prevalent deep learning models primarily focus on mapping input features to result of predicted outputs, which exhibit a deficiency in self-dialectical thinking process. Inspired by self-reflective mechanisms in human cognition, we propose a hypothesis that existing models emulate decision-making processes and automatically rectify erroneous predictions. The Self-adaptive Reflection Enhanced pre-trained deep learning Model (S-REM) is introduced to validate our hypotheses and to determine the types of knowledge that warrant reproduction. Based on the pretrained-model, S-REM introduces the local explanation for pseudo-label and the global explanation for all labels as the explanation knowledge. The keyword knowledge from TF-IDF model is also integrated to form a reflection knowledge. Based on the key explanation features, the pretrained-model reflects on the initial decision by two reflection methods and optimizes the prediction of deep learning models. Experiments with local and global reflection variants of S-REM on two text mining tasks across four datasets, encompassing three public and one private dataset were conducted. The outcomes demonstrate the efficacy of our method in improving the accuracy of state-of-the-art deep learning models. Furthermore, the method can serve as a foundational step towards developing explainable through integration with various deep learning models.
Model self-reflection,Self-adaptive reflection,Cognitive enhanced deep learning model,Text mining
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