Pushing the Frontiers in Climate Modelling and Analysis with Machine Learning
Veronika Eyring,William D. Collins,Pierre Gentine,Elizabeth A. Barnes, Marcelo Barreiro,Tom Beucler,Marc Bocquet,Christopher S. Bretherton,Hannah M. Christensen,Katherine Dagon,David John Gagne,David Hall,Dorit Hammerling,Stephan Hoyer,Fernando Iglesias-Suarez,Ignacio Lopez-Gomez,Marie C. McGraw,Gerald A. Meehl,Maria J. Molina,Claire Monteleoni, Juliane Mueller,Michael S. Pritchard,David Rolnick, Jakob Runge,Philip Stier,Oliver Watt-Meyer,Katja Weigel,Rose Yu, Laure Zanna Nature Climate Change(2024)
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