
Effects of Joint Persistence and Testing Conditions on Cyclic Shear Behavior of En-Echelon Joints under CNS Conditions

Bin Wang,Yujing Jiang, Qiangyong Zhang, Hongbin Chen

Rock Mechanics Bulletin(2024)

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Cyclic shear tests on rock joints serve as a practical strategy for understanding the shear behavior of jointed rock masses under seismic conditions. We explored the cyclic shear behavior of en-echelon and how joint persistence and test conditions (initial normal stress, normal stiffness, shear velocity, and cyclic distance) influence it through cyclic shear tests under CNS conditions. The results revealed a through-going shear zone induced by cyclic loads, characterized by abrasive rupture surfaces and brecciated material. Key findings included that increased joint persistence enlarged and smoothened the shear zone, while increased initial normal stress and cyclic distance, and decreased normal stiffness and shear velocity, diminished and roughened the brecciated material. Shear strength decreased across shear cycles, with the most significant reduction in the initial shear cycle. After ten cycles, the shear strength damage factor D varied from 0.785 to 0.909. Shear strength degradation was particularly sensitive to normal stiffness and cyclic distance. Low joint persistence, high initial normal stress, high normal stiffness, slow shear velocity, and large cyclic distance were the most destabilizing combinations. Cyclic loads significantly compressed en-echelon joints, with compressibility highly dependent on normal stress and stiffness. The frictional coefficient initially declined and then increased under a rising cycle number. This work provides crucial insights for understanding and predicting the mechanical response of en-echelon joints under seismic conditions.
Cyclic shear test,Shear strength degradation,Constant normal stiffness,En-echelon joint,Dilation characteristics
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