Generalizability and Treatment with Sodium-Glucose Co-Trasporter-2 Inhibitors (sglt2i) among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: an Assessment Using an Italian Primary Care Database

Ippazio Cosimo Antonazzo,Davide Rozza,Paolo Angelo Cortesi,Carla Fornari, Elena Zanzottera Ferrari, Claire Paris, Caroline Eteve-Pitsaer, Marco Gnesi, Silvia Mele, Marco D’Amelio, Anna Rita Maurizi, Pasquale Palladino,Lorenzo Giovanni Mantovani,Giampiero Mazzaglia

Acta Diabetologica(2024)

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This study aimed to assess the proportions of type 2 diabetes (T2D) subjects meeting cardiovascular outcome trials (CVOTs) criteria for sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors (SGLT-2i) and estimate SGLT2i utilization, along with associated demographic and clinical characteristics, in a primary care setting. T2D patients in Italy were selected between January 1, 2021, and December 31, 2022, from The Health Improvement Network (THIN®) database. Representativeness was determined by dividing patients meeting key inclusion criteria for four CVOTs (CANVAS, DECLARE-TIMI 58, EMPA-REG OUTCOME, VERTIS-CV) to the total T2D population. Demographic and clinical characteristics of eligible T2D subjects and SGLT2i users were compared, and logistic regression models assessed the likelihood of receiving SGLT2i. Out of 17,102 T2D patients, 8,828 met eligibility criteria for at least one CVOT. DECLARE-TIMI 58 exhibited the highest representativeness (51.1
Antidiabetic drug,Database research,Pharmaco-epidemiology,Primary care,SGLT2 inhibitors
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