
Insights into Pothole Damage: Exploring Culturally Responsive Mathematical Modeling

William Reid Carlisle,Hyunyi Jung,Megan H. Wickstrom, Kayla Sutcliffe, Hee-jeong Kim

International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education(2024)

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Although culturally responsive mathematics teaching is important, post-secondary education for preservice teachers (PTs) does not typically lead to learning opportunities for them to use mathematics to recognize the roles of social agents. To address this issue, we created a culturally responsive mathematical modeling task in which we invited PTs to use diverse approaches to create an action plan for the handling of local pothole data and maintenance. This study explores the approaches that PTs take when generating solutions to solve a culturally responsive mathematical modeling task and to investigate the perceptions of preservice teachers towards the task. The study involved 41 PTs, most of whom had no prior experience with mathematical modeling before participating in the task. PTs compared and inspected the documented data and noticed problems, such as a large economic disparity in the city. The PTs drafted solutions and shared their findings and suggestions in a proposal to the City’s Public Works Department. The proposals reflected different approaches, which helped the PTs understand the large income disparity and inequities certain neighborhoods in the city experience and provided recommendations for the city to address these issues. The creation of a culturally responsive mathematical modeling task provided an opportunity for PTs to engage in critical thinking and problem-solving while using diverse approaches to address a local social justice issue. This study provides insights into effective strategies for promoting socially responsible mathematics education in teacher preparation programs.
Culturally responsive teaching,Modeling,Preservice teachers,Task design
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