US-Net: U-shaped Network with Convolutional Attention Mechanism for Ultrasound Medical Images

Xiaoyu Xie,Pingping Liu, Yijun Lang, Zhenjie Guo,Zhongxi Yang,Yuhao Zhao

Computers & Graphics(2024)

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Ultrasound imaging, characterized by low contrast, high noise, and interference from surrounding tissues, poses significant challenges in lesion segmentation. To tackle these issues, we introduce an enhanced U-shaped network that incorporates several novel features for precise, automated segmentation. Firstly, our model utilizes a convolution-based self-attention mechanism to establish long-range dependencies in feature maps, crucial for small dataset applications, accompanied by a soft thresholding method for noise reduction. Secondly, we employ multi-sized convolutional kernels to enrich feature processing, coupled with curvature calculations to accentuate edge details via a soft-attention approach. Thirdly, an advanced skip connection strategy is implemented in the UNet architecture, integrating information entropy to assess and utilize texture-rich channels, thereby improving semantic detail in the encoder before merging with decoder outputs. We validated our approach using a newly curated dataset, VPUSI (Vascular Plaques Ultrasound Images), alongside the established datasets, BUSI, TN3K and DDTI. Comparative experiments on these datasets show that our model outperforms existing state-of-the-art techniques in segmentation accuracy.
Ultrasound images segmentation,Convolutional attention mechanism,Channel select,Edge feature enhancement
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