
Uniaxial Compressive Strength Prediction Based on Measurement While Drilling Data: A Laboratory Study

Zening Wei,Wei Yang, Qinghe Chen, Delang Liang, Guiming Wu

Journal of Applied Geophysics(2024)

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The uniaxial compressive strength is one of the most important basic parameters of rock, which is essential for surrounding rock stability analysis and support scheme design of underground engineering. At present, it is time consuming and costly to take a large amount of core samples for laboratory testing, and the mechanical properties of the cores may be affected by mining disturbance, which can easily lead to inaccurate result. The measurement while drilling (MWD) technology provides a new approach to solve the above challenge. The key to implementing this technology is to establish a correlation model between drilling parameters and rock mechanics parameters. Based on the characteristics of polycrystalline diamond compact (PDC) bits in drilling and rock breakage, this paper analyzes the mechanical state of the bit in breaking rock. A theoretical correlation model between the torque, feed force of the bit and the uniaxial compressive strength of the rock has been developed. To verify the accuracy of the theoretical model, the uniaxial compressive strength of five different types of rocks (red sandstone, green sandstone, limestone, marble and shale) was obtained through laboratory mechanical tests. The torque Mb, feed force Fb and other parameters in the drilling process of these five rocks were tested through the newly developed MWD test system. The correlation between the drilling parameters and the uniaxial compressive strength of rock was established. The results showed that the feed force Fb and torque Mb measured at five different types of rocks indicate a linear increasing trend with an increase in depth of cut h. Meanwhile, a strong linear relationship between the feed force Fb and torque Mb is evident. This paper proposes an MWD-based method to rapidly conduct the in-situ measurement of the uniaxial compressive strength of various rocks.
Uniaxial compressive strength,Depth of cut,Torque,Feed force,Measurement while drilling
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