
Influenza Vaccination Stimulates Maturation of the Human T Follicular Helper Cell Response


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The differentiation and specificity of human CD4+ T follicular helper cells (TFH cells) after influenza vaccination have been poorly defined. Here we profiled blood and draining lymph node (LN) samples from human volunteers for over 2 years after two influenza vaccines were administered 1 year apart to define the evolution of the CD4+ TFH cell response. The first vaccination induced an increase in the frequency of circulating TFH (cTFH) and LN TFH cells at week 1 postvaccination. This increase was transient for cTFH cells, whereas the LN TFH cells further expanded during week 2 and remained elevated in frequency for at least 3 months. We observed several distinct subsets of TFH cells in the LN, including pre-TFH cells, memory TFH cells, germinal center (GC) TFH cells and interleukin-10+ TFH cell subsets beginning at baseline and at all time points postvaccination. The shift toward a GC TFH cell phenotype occurred with faster kinetics after the second vaccine compared to the first vaccine. We identified several influenza-specific TFH cell clonal lineages, including multiple responses targeting internal influenza virus proteins, and found that each TFH cell state was attainable within a clonal lineage. Thus, human TFH cells form a durable and dynamic multitissue network. Schattgen et al. profiled the subsets and clonality of CD4+ TFH cells in the blood and lymph nodes of human volunteers who received two influenza vaccines 1 year apart to characterize their dynamics and clonal evolution over 2 years.
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