Active RIS-Assisted Receive Space Shift Keying with Reflection Modulation

Junzhou Xiong,Guoquan Li, Yongcun Guo,Yu Pang

IEEE Wireless Communications Letters(2024)

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In this letter, an active reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS)-assisted receive space shift keying with reflection modulation (ARIS-RSSK-RM) scheme is proposed to mitigate the multiplicative fading existed in RIS-assisted systems and improve the spectral efficiency. In the scheme, the transmitter emits only an unmodulated carrier, and the reflecting elements of RIS are divided into groups that can be configured as passive or active states. The information is carried by the receive antenna indices and the number of active reflecting element groups. The pairwise error probability of the ARIS-RSSK-RM scheme is derived based on the moment generating function, and then an upper bound on theoretical bit error probability is obtained. Simulation results confirm the accuracy of the theoretical derivation and demonstrate that the proposed ARIS-RSSK-RM scheme has superior performance in terms of bit error rate and robustness.
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Key words
Reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS),space shift keying (SSK),reflection modulation (RM),active RIS
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