Corrigendum to “Pilot therapeutic education program in multiple system atrophy: Safety, quality of life and satisfaction from a national registry based longitudinal study” [Park. Relat. Disord. (2024) 106993]

A. Cámara,Y. Compta, M. Baixauli, L. Maragall, A. Pérez-Soriano, N. Montagut, M. Ahuir, E. Ludeña, L. Peri, N. Fernández, S. Villote, J.C. Lopez de los Reyes, J. Navarro - Otano, I. Zaro, E. Muñoz, M. Buongiorno,N. Caballol, C. Pont-Sunyer, V. Puente, D. Giraldo

Parkinsonism & Related Disorders(2024)

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