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Improvements in Precision and Accuracy of Complex- Relative to Real-Domain Linear Combination Model Spectral Fitting Not Necessarily Recovered by Zero Filling.

Leonardo Campos, Kelley M. Swanberg,Martin Gajdosik, Karl Landheer,Christoph Juchem


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Although the information obtained from in vivo proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H MRS) presents a complex-valued spectrum, spectral quantification generally employs linear combination model (LCM) fitting using the real spectrum alone. There is currently no known investigation comparing fit results obtained from LCM fitting over the full complex data versus the real data and how these results might be affected by common spectral preprocessing procedure zero filling. Here, we employ linear combination modeling of simulated and measured spectral data to examine two major ideas: first, whether use of the full complex rather than real-only data can provide improvements in quantification by linear combination modeling and, second, to what extent zero filling might influence these improvements. We examine these questions by evaluating the errors of linear combination model fits in the complex versus real domains against three classes of synthetic data: simulated Lorentzian singlets, simulated metabolite spectra excluding the baseline, and simulated metabolite spectra including measured in vivo baselines. We observed that complex fitting provides consistent improvements in fit accuracy and precision across all three data types. While zero filling obviates the accuracy and precision benefit of complex fitting for Lorentzian singlets and metabolite spectra lacking baselines, it does not necessarily do so for complex spectra including measured in vivo baselines. Overall, performing linear combination modeling in the complex domain can improve metabolite quantification accuracy relative to real fits alone. While this benefit can be similarly achieved via zero filling for some spectra with flat baselines, this is not invariably the case for all baseline types exhibited by measured in vivo data. Metabolite estimation precision and accuracy were evaluated using real-fitting, complex-fitting, and real and complex fitting with and without zero filling. Systematic improvements for complex relative to real fitting are theoretically replicated in simple spectra with zero filling, but this is not necessarily true for spectra exhibiting in vivo baseline signals. image
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applied complex analysis,brain,linear combination modeling,single-voxel in vivo proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy,spectral baselines,spectral quantification,zero filling
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