
‘There Are Things I Have Learned the Hard Way’ Patient Experiences on Lasting Challenges 4 Months after Transient Ischemic Attack: A Qualitative Study


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Background: Fatigue, depression, anxiety and cognitive difficulties are reported by 1/3 of patients following transient ischemic attack (TIA). Aims: To explore the timeline and how the diagnosis impacts individuals experiencing lasting challenges after TIA. Furthermore, to identify what they believed facilitated return to everyday life. Design: Qualitative exploratory study with a phenomenological-hermeneutic approach. Methods: Individual semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis. Results: Fifteen patients were included. Four themes were identified; (1) 'They say it is transient - no, not for me' where all participants described lasting challenges emphasizing invalidating fatigue and impaired social participation, (2) 'I am a changed person; how does this impact my future?' which reflects altered identity and elevated alertness to symptoms, (3) 'Time has been my ally and new perspectives have evolved' where most participants described improvement over time and a few considered the diagnosis a wake-up call to change lifestyle. Lastly (4) 'What would have helped me recover?' which unfolds that close, trustful relations influence positively. In addition, the system often failed to support. Participants described pressure to return to work and lack of trust and negative experiences when involving their general practitioner. Conclusions: During the 4 months since diagnosis, participants experienced limitations impacting physical, psychological and social domains. They felt uninformed that lasting challenges could affect them. Different coping strategies were activated, and participants with close, supportive relations managed better. A pressure to return to work and a lack of trust in the general practitioner affected their recovery negatively. Overall, return to everyday life after TIA was considered stressful and appropriate support lacking. Relevance to Clinical Practice: To be able to support patients with challenges following TIA, we as healthcare professionals need to understand the identified impact and life changing circumstances. Currently the system seemingly is not able to provide timely, sufficient and competent support.
everyday life,lasting challenges,qualitative study,TIA,transient ischemic attack
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