
Damage in a Large Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Cohort from the Spanish Society of Rheumatology Lupus Registry (RELESSER) with Emphasis on the Cardiovascular System: a Longitudinal Analysis

Irene Altabas-Gonzalez,Inigo Rua-Figueroa, Coral Mourino, Karen Roberts,Norman Jimenez,Julia Martinez-Barrio, Maria Galindo, Jaime Calvo Alen,Victor del Campo Perez, Esther Uriarte Itzazelaia,Eva Tomero, Mercedes Freire-Gonzalez, Victor Martinez Taboada,Eva Salgado,Paloma Vela, Antonio Fernandez-Nebro,Alejandro Olive,Javier Narvaez, Raul Menor-Almagro, Gregorio Santos Soler,Jose angel Hernandez-Beriain,Javier Manero,Elena Aurrecoechea, Oihane Ibarguengoitia-Barrena, Carlos Montilla,Gema Bonilla,Vicenc Torrente-Segarra,Ana Paula Cacheda,Maria Jesus Garcia-Villanueva, Claudia Moriano-Morales, Concepcion Fito Manteca,Nuria Lozano-Rivas,Cristina Bohorquez,Jose M. Pego-Reigosa


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OBJECTIVE:To assess organ damage, with emphasis on the cardiovascular system, over the different stages of the disease in a large SLE cohort. METHODS:Multicentre, longitudinal study of a cohort of 4219 patients with SLE enrolled in the Spanish Society of Rheumatology Lupus Registry. Organ damage was ascertained using the Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinics/American College of Rheumatology Damage Index (SDI). We longitudinally analysed SDI (globally and for each domain) over time only in the 1274 patients whose dates of damage events had been recorded. RESULTS:During the first year after diagnosis of SLE, 20% of the 1274 patients presented with new damage manifestations. At years 2 and 3, new damage was recorded in 11% and 9% of patients. The annual percentage of patients with new damage after year 5 decreased to 5%. In the first year with the disease, most damage was accumulated in the musculoskeletal, neuropsychiatric and renal systems; in later stages, most damage was in the musculoskeletal, ocular and cardiovascular systems. Considering 'cerebrovascular accident' and 'claudication for 6 months' as cardiovascular items, the cardiovascular system was the second most affected system during the early stages of SLE, with 19% of the patients who presented with damage affected at first year after diagnosis. During the late stages, 20-25% of the patients presenting with new damage did so in this modified cardiovascular domain of the SDI. CONCLUSIONS:New damage occurs mainly during the first year following diagnosis of SLE. Cardiovascular damage is relevant in both the early and the late stages of the disease. Strategies to prevent cardiovascular damage should be implemented early after diagnosis of SLE.
Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic,Cardiovascular Diseases,Autoimmune Diseases
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