
Acute Metabolic Stress Induces Lymphatic Dysfunction Through KATP Channel Activation

Function (Oxford, England)(2024)

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Lymphatic dysfunction is an underlying component of multiple metabolic diseases, including diabetes, obesity, and metabolic syndrome. We investigated the roles of KATP channels in lymphatic contractile dysfunction in response to acute metabolic stress induced by inhibition of the mitochondrial electron transport chain. Ex vivo popliteal lymphatic vessels from mice were exposed to the electron transport chain inhibitors antimycin A and rotenone, or the oxidative phosphorylation inhibitor/protonophore, CCCP. Each inhibitor led to a significant reduction in the frequency of spontaneous lymphatic contractions and calculated pump flow, without a significant change in contraction amplitude. Contraction frequency was restored by the KATP channel inhibitor, glibenclamide. Lymphatic vessels from mice with global Kir6.1 deficiency or expressing a smooth muscle-specific dominant negative Kir6.1 channel were resistant to inhibition. Antimycin A inhibited the spontaneous action potentials generated in lymphatic muscle and this effect was reversed by glibenclamide, confirming the role of KATP channels. Antimycin A, but not rotenone or CCCP, increased dihydrorhodamine fluorescence in lymphatic muscle, indicating ROS production. Pretreatment with tiron or catalase prevented the effect of antimycin A on wild-type lymphatic vessels, consistent with its action being mediated by ROS. Our results support the conclusion that KATP channels in lymphatic muscle can be directly activated by reduced mitochondrial ATP production or ROS generation, consequent to acute metabolic stress, leading to contractile dysfunction through inhibition of the ionic pacemaker controlling spontaneous lymphatic contractions. We propose that a similar activation of KATP channels contributes to lymphatic dysfunction in metabolic disease.
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