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Paralemmin-1 controls the nanoarchitecture of the neuronal submembrane cytoskeleton

Victor Macarrón-Palacios, Jasmine Hubrich, Maria Augusta do Rego Barros Fernandes Lima,Nicole G. Metzendorf, Simon Kneilmann, Marleen Trapp, Claudio Acuna, Annarita Patrizi, Elisa D’Este,Manfred W. Kilimann


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The Membrane-associated Periodic Skeleton (MPS) is a specialized submembrane cytoskeleton of neuronal cells, characterized by a highly ordered 190 nm periodic lattice, with emerging functions in mechanical resilience, inter- and intracellular signaling, and action potential transmission. Here, we identify Paralemmin-1 (Palm1) as a new component and regulator of the MPS. Palm1 binds to the N-terminal region of βII-spectrin, a core MPS component, and is periodically organized along the axon in hippocampal neurons. Applying the 3D imaging power of MINFLUX, we locate Palm1 in close proximity (<20 nm) to the actin-capping protein and MPS component adducin. Functionally, Palm1 overexpression enhances the degree of periodicity of several MPS proteins (βII-spectrin, adducin, and ankyrinB) without altering their local concentrations, while the knock-out severely compromises the MPS structure and modifies electrophysiological properties of neurons. Both the MPS-binding and remodelling activities of Palm1 are abolished by mutating a single amino acid (W54A) in the conserved Paralemmin sequence motif. Our findings identify Palm1 as the first protein specifically dedicated to organizing the MPS, and will advance the understanding of the regulation of MPS assembly and remodelling, as well as of the Paralemmin protein family. ### Competing Interest Statement M.A.d.R.B.F.L. is currently an employee of Abberior Instruments, the company producing the microscopes used in this study. J.H. provides advice and samples for Abberior Instruments.
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