Pharmacological Mechanisms Involved in the Diuretic Activity of the Ethanol-Soluble Fraction of Baccharis Milleflora (less.) DC. - an Ethnopharmacological Investigation

Lislaine Maria Klider,Aline Aparecida Macedo Marques,Karyne Garcia Tafarelo Moreno, Gabriela Pereira da Silva, Gabriela Albertinazi Mizuno,Katyuce de Souza Farias,Luciane Mendes Monteiro,Valter Paes de Almeida, Irailson Thierry Monchak, Denise Brentan da Silva, Jane Manfron,Arquimedes Gasparotto Junior


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Ethnopharmacological relevance Baccharis milleflora (Less.) DC. is a plant native to Brazil that is frequently used in traditional medicine as a diuretic and antihypertensive. However, even though it is traditionally used for these purposes, its diuretic and hypotensive effects have not been fully elucidated. Aim Investigate the cardiorenal effects of the ethanol-soluble fraction (ESBM) of Baccharis milleflora in normotensive rats. Materials and methods Cladodes of B. milleflora were analyzed using light and scanning electron microscopy to provide anatomical data to support quality control. Subsequently, the ESBM was obtained and analyzed using LC-DAD-MS, and its components were annotated. The acute toxicity of ESBM was assessed in female Wistar rats. The acute and prolonged diuretic and hypotensive effects were then studied in Wistar rats. Finally, we assessed the mechanisms responsible for the diuretic effects of ESBM, including the activity of renal Na+/K+/ATPase, angiotensin-converting enzyme, and erythrocyte carbonic anhydrase. Additionally, we also investigated the involvement of bradykinin, prostaglandins, and nitric oxide. Results From LC-DAD-MS data, thirty-three metabolites were identified from ESBM, including chlorogenic acids, glycosylated phenolic derivatives, C-glycosylated flavones, and O-glycosylated flavonols. No signs of acute toxicity were observed in female rats. The findings showed that ESBM had significant diuretic and natriuretic effects, as well as a potassium-sparing effect. The treatment with ESBM was able to significantly decrease serum levels of creatinine and malondialdehyde, and also significantly increase levels of nitrite, an indirect marker of nitric oxide bioavailability. Furthermore, pre-treatment with L-NAME abolished all diuretic effects induced by ESBM. Conclusion This study presented important morpho-anatomical and phytochemical data that support the quality control of Baccharis milleflora. The ESBM exhibited a significant diuretic and natriuretic effect following acute and seven-days repeated treatment in Wistar rats, without affecting renal potassium elimination. These effects appear to be dependent on the activation of the nitric oxide-cyclic GMP pathway. This study suggests the potential use of B. milleflora preparations in clinical situations where a diuretic effect is needed.
Antihypertensive,Asteraceae,Diuretic,Natriuretic,Nitric oxide
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