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Tips and tricks in tremor treatment

Journal of Neural Transmission(2024)

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Tremor, whether arising from neurological diseases, other conditions, or medication side effects, significantly impacts patients' lives. Treatment complexities necessitate clear algorithms and strategies. Levodopa remains pivotal for Parkinson's tremor, though response variability exists. Some dopamine agonists offer notable tremor reduction targeting D2 receptors. Propranolol effectively manages essential tremor and essential tremor plus (ET/ET +), sometimes with primidone for added benefits, albeit dose-dependent side effects. As reserve medications anticholinergics and clozapine are used for treatment of parkinsonian tremor, 1-Octanol and certain anticonvulsant drugs for tremor of other orign, especially ET. Therapies such as invasive deep brain stimulation and lesional focused ultrasound serve for resistant cases. A medication review is crucial for all forms of tremor, but it is particularly important if medication may have triggered the tremor. Sensor-based detection and non-drug interventions like wristbands and physical therapy broaden diagnostic and therapeutic horizons, promising future tremor care enhancements. Understanding treatment nuances is a key for tailored tremor management respecting patient needs and tolerability. Successful strategies integrate pharmacological, non-invasive, and technological modalities, aiming for optimal symptom control and improved quality of life.
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Tremor,Tremor treatment
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