
Distribution and development patterns in sea stars (Echinodermata: Asteroidea) of the Subantarctic Southern Atlantic

Cintia P. Fraysse,Claudia C. Boy, Mariel A. Ojeda, Mariano Rodriguez, Javier H. Rojo, Analía F. Pérez

Polar Biology(2024)

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In the Southern Atlantic Ocean, asteroids are abundant among the benthic taxonomic groups. The development patterns include a pelagic larva (planktotrophic/lecithotrophic), or a retained larva (internal/oral retention). The main objective was to revise the Asteroidea species composition from the Southern Atlantic (including marine protected areas) and to study their development patterns in relation to environmental conditions. Information was compiled from oceanographic surveys, scuba diving, and the GBIF database. Four species have extended their distribution. The Isla de los Estados island (SIE) and Namuncurá/Burdwood Bank II Marine Protected Area (N MPA II) are separated as independent clusters. SIE would be functioning as a geographical barrier, and N MPA II presents deep sea species. Namuncurá/Burdwood Bank Marine Protected Area (N MPA) presented a majority of protected development species, while in the Beagle Channel, most registered species presented free-planktotrophic larvae. Species with free-planktotrophic larvae and oral brooding strategies are more likely in shallower waters, while internal brooding species occur in deeper waters. Species with free-lecithotrophic larvae are more probable in middle depths, below the euphotic layer. These results are expected to make a valuable contribution to better understanding the general distribution and development patterns of Asteroidea from subantarctic waters, a group of organisms that are top predators of benthic communities.
Brooding,Broadcasting,Beagle Channel,Isla de los Estados island,Namuncurá
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