
Photon Generation in Double Superconducting Cavities: Quantum Circuits Implementation

Jean Paul Louys Sansó,Nicolás F. Del Grosso, Fernando C. Lombardo,Paula I. Villar


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In this work, we studied photon generation due to the Dynamical Casimir Effect (DCE) in a one dimensional (1+1) double superconducting cavity. The cavity consists of two perfectly conducting mirrors and a dielectric membrane of infinitesimal depth that effectively couples two cavities. The total length of the double cavity L, the difference in length between the two cavities Δ L, and the electric susceptibility χ and conductivity v of the dielectric membrane are tunable parameters. All four parameters are treated as independent and are allowed to be tuned at the same time, even with different frequencies. We analyzed the cavity's energy spectra under different conditions, finding a transition between two distinct regimes that is accurately described by k_c=√(v/χ). In particular, a lowest energy mode is forbidden in one of the regimes while it is allowed in the other. We compared analytical approximations obtained through the Multiple Scale Analysis method with exact numeric solutions, obtaining the typical results when χ is not being tuned. However, when the susceptibility χ is tuned, different behaviours (such as oscillations in the number of photons of a cavity prepared in a vacuum state) might arise if the frequencies and amplitudes of all parameters are adequate. These oscillations can be considered as adiabatic shortcuts where all generated photons are eventually destroyed. Finally, we present an equivalent quantum circuit that would allow to experimentally simulate the DCE under the studied conditions.
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