New insight into the phase transition and kinetics of the dehydroxylation of bulk-to-nano chrysotile

Jifa Long, Wentao Liu, Ningbo Zhang, Hanting Zhang,Qi Xiao,Suping Huang

Physics and Chemistry of Minerals(2024)

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In this work, the self-made chrysotile fiber membrane (CFM) and raw chrysotile fiber (CF) were calcined in air from 500 to 800 °C. The XRD pattern of CFM showed that the diffraction peak of chrysotile weakened when the temperature was from room temperature to 550 °C, and CFM had a shorter amorphous interval at 600–700 °C. While, no amorphous phase appeared in CF during calcination, and forsterite begined to appear at 650 °C. SEM images showed that CFM could still maintain the integrity of the network structure at 600–800 °C, while CF gradually melted into coarse fiber bundles with the increase of calcination temperature, and sintering traces appeared. After that,the kinetics of the dehydroxylation of chrysotile in CFM and CF was studied. The dehydroxylation of CFM is a one-step reaction, the calculated activation energy is 243.33 kJ mol−1, which conforms to the two-dimensional ‘Valensi’ model with mechanism function G(α) = (1−α)ln(1−α) + α. The dehydroxylation of CF is divided into two stages, the activation energy are 222.87 kJ mol−1 and 316.04 kJ mol−1. The first stage of CF conforms to two-dimensional ‘Jander’ model (n = 2) with mechanism function G(α) = [1−(1−α)1/2]2, the second stage of CF conforms to the random nucleation and subsequent growth ‘Avrami-Erofeev’ model (n = 3/2) with mechanism function G(α) = [−ln(1−α)]2/3.
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