Predicting the Immunomodulatory Activity of Probiotic Lactic Acid Bacteria Using Supervised Machine Learning in a Cornu Aspersum Snail Model

Elissavet Charizani,Esmeralda Dushku, Maria Kyritsi, Eleftheria Theodora Metallinou, Argyro Karathodorou, Eleni Amanetidou, Marianthi-Maria Kokkaleniou,Nikolaos Passalis,Anastasios Tefas,Alexandra Staikou, Minas Yiangou


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In the process of screening for probiotic strains, there are no clearly established bacterial phenotypic markers which could be used for the prediction of their in vivo mechanism of action. In this work, we demonstrate for the first time that Machine Learning (ML) methods can be used for accurately predicting the in vivo immunomodulatory activity of probiotic strains based on their cell surface phenotypic features using a snail host-microbe interaction model. A broad range of snail gut presumptive probiotics, including 240 new lactic acid bacterial strains (Lactobacillus, Leuconostoc, Lactococcus, and Enterococcus), were isolated and characterized based on their capacity to withstand snails’ gastrointestinal defense barriers, such as the pedal mucus, gastric mucus, gastric juices, and acidic pH, in association with their cell surface hydrophobicity, autoaggregation, and biofilm formation ability. The implemented ML pipeline predicted with high accuracy (88%) strains with a strong capacity to enhance chemotaxis and phagocytic activity of snails’ hemolymph cells, while also revealed bacterial autoaggregation and cell surface hydrophobicity as the most important parameters that significantly affect host immune responses. The results show that ML approaches may be useful to derive a predictive understanding of host-probiotic interactions, while also highlighted the use of snails as an efficient animal model for screening presumptive probiotic strains in the light of their interaction with cellular innate immune responses.
Host-microbe interactions,Probiotics,Lactic acid bacteria,Innate immunity,Supervised machine learning,K -means clustering,Principal component analysis,Decision tree
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