High-temperature boron partitioning and isotope fractionation between basaltic melt and fluid

Sebastian Kommescher,Felix Marxer, Florian Pohl, Ingo Horn,Francois Holtz, Renat Almeev, Horst Marschall,Stefan Weyer,Raúl O. C. Fonseca

Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology(2024)

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In the last two decades, boron has gained significance as a geochemical tracer in mantle studies, particularly related to fluid-mediated processes. In our investigation, we explore how boron and its stable isotopes distribute between basaltic melt and hydrous fluid under conditions relevant to magmatic degassing in the shallow crust (1000–1250 °C, 150–250 MPa). We utilized a synthetic MORB-like composition with added boric-acid isotope standard (NIST-SRM951a) and additional trace elements, subjecting it to varying pressure, temperature, and melt-fluid ratios using an internally heated pressure vessel. The B isotope composition in the quenched glasses were determined through femtosecond laser ablation coupled to a multi-collector inductively-coupled-plasma mass spectrometer. Our experiments revealed that, even at the highest temperatures, boron strongly partitions into the fluid phase, accompanied by significant B isotope fractionation. This leads to an enrichment of the heavy B isotope in the fluid, with a constrained Δ11Bmelt-fluid range of -1.7 ± 0.9‰, consistent with ab-initio modeling results. These findings highlight the potential of B isotopes to trace geochemical processes at elevated temperatures with Δ^11B_melt-fluid=2.913-9.69310^6/T^2 . Our results have implications for predicting the δ11B of degassed, water-bearing basaltic magmas and estimating the B isotope composition of their mantle source. • fs-LA MC ICP MS yields high precision B stable isotope results in glasses • Resolvable fluid-mediated B isotope fractionation occurs at igneous temperatures • Constrained Dfluid/melt and Δ11Bmelt−fluid based on experimental data are consistent with literature estimates • Our data have implications for the interpretation of the δ11B of degassed, water-bearing basaltic magmas
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Boron stable isotopes,In situ,LA MC ICP MS
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