
Flexural performance of seawater sea sand concrete composite beams enhanced by dual-functional C-FRCM jackets

Journal of Building Engineering(2024)

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The flexural performance of seawater sea sand concrete (SSC) composite beams enhanced by the dual-functional carbon-fabric reinforced cementitious matrix (C-FRCM) jackets was experimentally investigated. Five SSC composite beams were constructed and tested in flexure under four-point loading, including one control specimen, one C-FRCM enhanced beam without the presence of the impressed current cathodic protection (ICCP) system, and three C-FRCM jacketed beams implementing the ICCP system (three different current densities: 25, 75 and 125 mA/m2). The failure modes observed and the performance of the strengthened beams with the dual-functional C-FRCM jackets were discussed in details. The results indicated that the C-FRCM jacketing effectively increased the cracking load up to 46.43% and delayed yielding. The C-FRCM jacket had a relatively small impact on the initial stiffness of the specimens but significantly increased the load-carrying capacity (up to 18%) and improved ductility. With the increase in current density, the load-carrying capacity gradually decreased, the crack inhibitory effect gradually weakened, but the ductility coefficient increased notably (up to 98%). Regarding the failure modes of the composite beams, both fiber fracture and fiber slippage coexisted, and with the increase of current density, the latter became more predominant. Based on the design guidelines provided by ACI 549.4R-13, an analytical formula for bending moment was proposed and compared with the experimental results, providing a reference for the design of such components.
Carbon-fabric reinforced cementitious matrix (C-FRCM),Flexure,Impressed current cathodic protection (ICCP),Reinforced concrete beam,Seawater sea sand concrete (SSC)
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