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Endoscopic Recannulation of Long-Segment, Grade IV Suprastomal Tracheal Stenosis: an Operative Technique


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Background Long-segment, grade IV suprastomal tracheal stenosis is rare and difficult to treat (Carpenter et al., 2022 [1]). Patients with grade IV stenosis have significant quality of life impairments since they are tracheostomy dependent and aphonic. Open airway surgery is often needed to improve tracheal patency, restore the patient's voice, and progress towards decannulation (Abouyared et al., 2017 [2]). However, not all patients are candidates for upfront open surgery (Abouyared et al., 2017; Shamji, 2018 [2,3]). Therefore, it is important to develop and refine endoscopic interventions to improve quality of life for these patients. Methods We describe a step-by-step endoscopic approach to the recannulation of long-segment, grade IV suprastomal tracheal stenosis. Briefly, our approach utilizes dual (proximal & distal) visualization of the stenosis prior to passing a 25 gauge needle through the stenosis to identify the proper trajectory for recannulation. Then a 16 gauge needle is passed in the same manner, and a wire is placed through the needle and into the distal airway. Once the airway is recannulated, the initial pinpoint opening is gradually widened in Seldinger fashion over the wire with Savary dilators followed by balloon dilation. Finally, a suprastomal L-stent (modified Montgomery T-Tube) is placed to reduce the risk of restenosis (Edwards et al., 2023 [4]). Case discussion A 39-year-old woman with a past medical history significant for poorly controlled type I diabetes mellitus and polysubstance abuse presented with tracheostomy dependence and aphonia. She was diagnosed with a long-segment, grade IV suprastomal tracheal stenosis and initially underwent endoscopic recannulation. This intervention restored her voice and allowed for optimization of her medical conditions before open airway surgery. Conclusion Most patients experience a significant improvement in their quality of life as their voice is typically restored following this procedure. Additionally, individuals who eventually require open airway surgery gain additional time for medical optimization. In our experience, this procedure represents a safe and effective means of extending the utility of traditional endoscopic airway interventions for the management of patients with grade IV stenosis.
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Key words
Tracheal stenosis,Tracheostomy dependence,Voice,Endoscopic surgical procedure,Minimally invasive surgical procedure
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