Search for Very-Short-Baseline Oscillations of Reactor Antineutrinos with the SoLid Detector
Y. Abreu,Y. Amhis,L. Arnold,W. Beaumont,I. Bolognino,M. Bongrand,D. Boursette,V. Buridon,H. Chanal,B. Coupé, P. Crochet,D. Cussans,J. D'Hondt,D. Durand,M. Fallot, D. Galbinski, S. Gallego,L. Ghys,L. Giot,K. Graves,B. Guillon, S. Hayashida,D. Henaff,B. Hosseini,S. Kalcheva,L. N. Kalousis,R. Keloth, L. Koch,M. Labare,G. Lehaut,S. Manley,L. Manzanillas,J. Mermans,I. Michiels,S. Monteil,C. Moortgat,D. Newbold,V. Pestel,K. Petridis,I. Piñera,A. de Roeck,N. Roy,D. Ryckbosch,N. Ryder,D. Saunders,M. H. Schune,M. Settimo,H. Rejeb Sfar,L. Simard,A. Vacheret,S. Van Dyck,P. Van Mulders,N. Van Remortel,G. Vandierendonck,S. Vercaemer,M. Verstraeten,B. Viaud,A. Weber,M. Yeresko,F. Yermia arxiv(2024)
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