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Direct Simulations of External Flow and Noise Radiation Using the Generalized Interpolation-Supplemented Cascaded Lattice Boltzmann Method

Jian Song,Fan Zhang, Yuanpu Zhao,Feng Ren,Haibao Hu

Computers & Fluids(2024)

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Direct simulations of external flow and the associated noise radiation are studied by an improved lattice Boltzmann method, i.e., the generalized interpolation-supplemented cascaded lattice Boltzmann method (GICLBM). In this method, the cascaded collision scheme is used to improve the numerical stability of the conventional collision schemes, and the generalized interpolation approach is used in the particle streaming process so as to allow a non-uniform and body-fitted mesh partition. With that, both near- and far-field flow dynamics and noise radiation are resolved simultaneously. In order to capture sound waves, the perfectly matched layer is also implemented so as to avoid waves reflecting to and polluting the inner acoustic field. Moreover, a novel index technique is developed for the GICLBM to enable implicit streaming, which brings an efficient memory reduction. Three cases are then performed to showcase the feasibility, accuracy, extensibility, and efficiency of the present framework, including flow past a square cylinder, flow past an elliptic cylinder, and flow past a NACA 0012 airfoil, each implemented with a type of body-fitted mesh. Both the fluid dynamic and noise radiation are found to be in good agreement with results using the Navier–Stokes solvers. This study demonstrates the potential of the GICLBM for accurately and efficiently simulating external problems as well as sound generation and propagation.
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Key words
Lattice Boltzmann method,Flow induced noise,Body-fitted mesh,External flow
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