
Optimizing Local Electricity Markets: A Bi-Level Primal-Dual Approach for Integrating Price-Based Demand Response and Distribution Locational Marginal Pricing

Ain Shams Engineering Journal(2024)

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This paper addresses the conundrum of optimizing electricity consumption patterns in response to fluctuations in demand and price, a task managed by both load aggregators and the distribution system operator (DSO). The conventional approaches in the literature to integrate demand response (DR) into optimal power flow (OPF) problems typically overlook the price responsiveness of consumers or simplify power flow equations to account for price-elastic demand.In this paper, we strive to close this gap by introducing a bi-level primal-dual optimization framework that incorporates aggregators' objectives into the market-clearing process while preserving the precision of the OPF equations. At the upper level, the model seeks to minimize both the total payment and peak load. The lower level, structured as a second-order conic (SOC) problem, aims to reduce overall generation costs subject to constraints of the second-order conic (SOC) branch flow model (BFM). The two levels interact through the optimal demand response and distribution locational marginal prices (DLMPs). The principles of convex duality principles together with the strong duality constraint are leveraged to transform the market-clearing problem into a single primal-dual problem. We also circumvent the non-linearity that stems from the DR payment term by incorporating discretizing loads and the big-M method, thus converting the problem into a mixed-integer SOC (MI-SOC) formulation. The merits of the proposed MI-SOC framework are validated through case studies conducted on the IEEE 33-bus test system, showcasing its potential to enforce price-elasticity demand response in distribution system's electricity markets.
Bi-level programming,Distribution locational marginal prices,Electricity market,Price-based demand response
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