
High-precision UPb Zircon Dating of Explosive Volcanism in an Early Bi-Modal Volcano-Sedimentary Sequence from the Isle of Mull, North Atlantic Igneous Province

J. M. Millett,D. W. Jolley, M. J. Hole, L. Augland,J. H. Pugsley, G. W. Mcleod,S. Planke


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The North Atlantic Igneous Province (NAIP) forms one of the best studied Large Igneous Provinces (LIP) on the planet, however, significant uncertainties regarding the age and nature of the early onset of volcanism across the province remain. In order to better understand the onset and timing of volcanism within the NAIP, we present a new study of the mixed volcano-sedimentary deposits exposed at the base of the Isle of Mull lava pile, Inner Hebrides, Scotland. The study area comprises organic rich estuarine sediments, intimately mixed and interdigitated with bi-modal composition volcaniclastic and pyroclastic interlayers, including a prominent stratigraphically constrained c. 30 cm thick water-lain rhyolitic ignimbrite. Pristine magmatic zircons liberated from the ignimbrite reveal a high precision U-Pb age of 62.035 +/- 0.041 Ma (2 sigma) giving a robust age for early volcanism in this part of the province. Field observations reveal evidence for mafic phreatomagmatic eruptive deposits both above and below the rhyolite documenting the bimodal explosive nature of the initial magmatism in this area and, importantly, that mafic magmatism initiated before the dated unit. The bi-modal explosive eruptions periodically inundated an otherwise quiet and low energy Danian aged estuarine environment prior to its inundation with lava as magmatism took hold in the region.
Isle of Mull,Ignimbrite,U-Pb dating,Phreatomagmatism,Bi-modal volcanism
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