Learning-based Big Data Sharing Incentive in Mobile AIGC Networks

Jinbo Wen,Yang Zhang, Yulin Chen, Weifeng Zhong, Xumin Huang, Lei Liu,Dusit Niyato


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Rapid advancements in wireless communication have led to a dramatic upsurge in data volumes within mobile edge networks. These substantial data volumes offer opportunities for training Artificial Intelligence-Generated Content (AIGC) models to possess strong prediction and decision-making capabilities. AIGC represents an innovative approach that utilizes sophisticated generative AI algorithms to automatically generate diverse content based on user inputs. Leveraging mobile edge networks, mobile AIGC networks enable customized and real-time AIGC services for users by deploying AIGC models on edge devices. Nonetheless, several challenges hinder the provision of high-quality AIGC services, including issues related to the quality of sensing data for AIGC model training and the establishment of incentives for big data sharing from mobile devices to edge devices amidst information asymmetry. In this paper, we initially define a Quality of Data (QoD) metric based on the age of information to quantify the quality of sensing data. Subsequently, we propose a contract theoretic model aimed at motivating mobile devices for big data sharing. Furthermore, we employ a Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) algorithm to determine the optimal contract. Finally, numerical results demonstrate the efficacy and reliability of the proposed PPO-based contract model.
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