
Precise and Efficient Third-party Java Libraries Identification Tool for Collaborative Software

Zhuo Wang, Hongtu Zhang, Jingdong Guo, Laile Xi, Sidy Tambadou, Fang Zuo,Hong Li,Yan Hu

2024 27th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD)(2024)

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Collaborative systems frequently depend on various software components, like third-party libraries (TPLs), to execute their functions and expedite the development of the system. The security of an entire collaboration system can be compromised by a TPL that is vulnerable, particularly in an industrial setting. Unfortunately, current TPL detection tools encounter difficulties in precisely identifying version levels and exhibit inefficiency in detecting TPLs on a large scale.To address these challenges, we recommend JHunter, a precise and efficient tool for detecting TPL version details. Our approach involves introducing a novel concept called the attribute class dependency graph (ACDG) as a feature at the package level for TPLs. We then utilise a graph neural network-based method to compare the similarity of ACDGs and identify a list of candidate TPLs. Later, we use more detailed class-level features, such as Control Flow Graphs (CFGs), and constant features to determine version-specific information. We collected 19,095 different versions of TPLs from Maven to build our feature database. Our analysis demonstrates the effectiveness of JHunter on a real-world dataset, achieving F1 scores of 99.34% and 97.28% at the library and version levels, respectively, surpassing previous state-of-the-art (SOTA) results.
Collaborative software,Java,Third-Party Library
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