
Commons Are Cared For: Coexistence Between Humans and Wild Birds on the Island of Kihnu, Estonia

Raivo Kalle, Ingvar Svanberg, Meelis Leas,Julia Prakofjewa,Matteo Sartori, Anatole Danto,Achille Schiavone, Hannes Pehlak, Joonas Plaan, Andrea Pieroni, Renata Soukand


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Local knowledge is an essential dimension of humanity's relationship with the environment. Investigating the interdependence between humans and wild birds holds value in fostering a mutually beneficial relationship with avian populations. Gathering bird eggs is a significant practice for Kihnu islanders in Estonia. There are very few studies of this age-old, complex knowledge that assess the topic from the perspective of the local community. This paper investigates the reciprocity and the relationality between people and birds and the position of commons in the local community practice of bird semi-domestication. Several methods (interviews, participant observation and literature study) were used in data collection. We obtained information on local knowledge concerning 58 bird taxa. Locals named at least 21 bird species from which they have collected eggs. While collecting eggs is a central activity, the relationship surrounding egg collection is far more intricate. Locals take care of nesting boxes in Common Merganser which birds reside, collecting only a few eggs from every box. These nesting boxes are also constructed for passerine birds. Furthermore, caring for birds influences the soundscape of Kihnu and significantly impacts the cultural bond between local communities and the birds. Kihnu islanders are mindful of the changes occurring in the bird population. The intimate relationship between local people and birds is challenged when traditional ways of life are restricted by stricter nature conservation norms (e.g. banning the collection of bird eggs and visiting islets). However, birdlife is very important in ensuring biocultural diversity. Therefore, this study proposes several important future perspectives in promoting the sustainable development of rural life: (1) the introduction of pluralistic nature protection, including the opinion of local communities in the management of natural resources; (2) the promotion of birds as a means of pest control; and (3) reinforcing the reciprocal coexistence of birds and humans on Kihnu. We advocate for community-centred nature management which takes into consideration Local Ecological Knowledge and its attached expertise, shared responsibility and benefits, sustainable development trajectories and local community-based governance systems.Read the free Plain Language Summary for this article on the Journal blog. Kohalikud teadmised on inimeste ja keskkonna suhete oluline m & otilde;& otilde;de. Inimeste ja metslindude vastastikuse s & otilde;ltuvuse uurimine annab v & otilde;imaluse neid vastastikku kasulikke suhteid tuvastada ja edendada. Metslinnumunade korjamine on kihnlaste jaoks oluline ja vana tava, kuid selle kohta on v & auml;ga v & auml;he uurimusi, mis hindaksid teemat kohaliku kogukonna vaatenurgast. K & auml;esolev artikkel uurib inimeste ja lindude omavahelist seost, sh j & auml;& auml;koskla poolkodustamise praktikat. Kasutasime andmete kogumisel mitmeid meetodeid (intervjuud, osalusvaatlust ning kirjandust). Kokku tuvastasime 58 linnuliiki, kes on kihnlastele l & auml;bi aegade olulised olnud. Nende hulgas nimetati meile v & auml;hemalt 21 linnuliiki, kellelt kihnlased on looduses mune kogunud. Kuigi linnumunade kogumine tundub esmapilgul tavaline tegevus, on munade kogumisega seotud palju reegleid. Samuti hoolitsetakse pesakastide eest, mida j & auml;& auml;kosklatele pesitsemiseks pannakse, ning v & otilde;etakse nendest pesakastidest endale vaid teatud arvu mune. Pesakaste tehakse ja pannakse & uuml;les ka teistele metslindudele. Lindude eest hoolitsemine m & otilde;jutab Kihnu helimaastikku ning tugevdab oluliselt kultuurilist sidet kohalike kogukondade ja lindude vahel. Kihnlased on t & auml;helepanelikud igasuguste linnustiku muutuste suhtes ja m & auml;rkavad neid. Kohalike elanike ja lindude l & auml;hedased suhted pannakse proovile, kui traditsioonilist eluviisi hakkavad piirama karmimad looduskaitsenormid (nt linnumunade kogumise ja laidude k & uuml;lastamise keelamine). Biokultuurilise mitmekesisuse tagamisel on aga linnustik v & auml;ga oluline. Seet & otilde;ttu pakub k & auml;esolev uuring v & auml;lja mitmed olulised tulevikuperspektiivid maaelu s & auml;& auml;stva arengu edendamisel: (1) pluralistliku looduskaitse juurutamine, sh arvestamine kohalike kogukondade arvamusega loodusvarade majandamisel; (2) lindude propageerimine kahjurit & otilde;rjevahendina; (3) lindude ja inimeste vastastikuse kooseksisteerimise tugevdamine Kihnus. Me pooldame kogukonnakeskset loodusmajandust, mis v & otilde;tab arvesse kohalikke & ouml;koloogilisi teadmisi ja nendega seotud kogemusi, jagatud vastutust ja h & uuml;vesid, s & auml;& auml;stva arengu trajektoore ja kohalikke kogukonnap & otilde;hiseid juhtimiss & uuml;steeme. Read the free Plain Language Summary for this article on the Journal blog.
commons,conservation,ethno-oology,ethno-ornithology,human-bird relationships,reciprocity
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