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A Benchmark JWST Near-Infrared Spectrum for the Exoplanet WASP-39 B

A. L. Carter,E. M. May J. Taylor,X. Zhang

Nature Astronomy(2024)

Space Telescope Sci Inst | Johns Hopkins APL | Arizona State Univ | Univ Warwick | Univ Bristol | Univ Adolfo Ibanez | Univ Chicago | Chalmers Univ Technol | Univ Montreal | Johns Hopkins Univ | Cornell Univ | Univ Calif Santa Cruz | Univ Geneva | Univ Colorado | Univ Kansas | Univ Coll London | Univ Leicester | CALTECH | Univ Amsterdam | Max Planck Inst Astron | Harvard & Smithsonian | Univ Arizona | Univ Maryland | MIT | Carnegie Inst Sci | Indian Inst Technol | Open Univ | NASA | New York Univ Abu Dhabi | Univ Andres Bello | Leiden Univ | INAF Osservatorio Astrofis Torino | Princeton Univ | Planetary Sci Inst | Katholieke Univ Leuven | Trinity Coll Dublin | Univ Paris Cite | Univ Exeter | Ludwig Maximilians Univ Munchen | Natl Astron Observ Japan | Univ Cote dAzur | Wesleyan Univ

Cited 0|Views15
Observing exoplanets through transmission spectroscopy supplies detailed information on their atmospheric composition, physics, and chemistry. Prior to JWST, these observations were limited to a narrow wavelength range across the near-ultraviolet to near-infrared, alongside broadband photometry at longer wavelengths. To understand more complex properties of exoplanet atmospheres, improved wavelength coverage and resolution are necessary to robustly quantify the influence of a broader range of absorbing molecular species. Here we present a combined analysis of JWST transmission spectroscopy across four different instrumental modes spanning 0.5-5.2 micron using Early Release Science observations of the Saturn-mass exoplanet WASP-39b. Our uniform analysis constrains the orbital and stellar parameters within sub-percent precision, including matching the precision obtained by the most precise asteroseismology measurements of stellar density to-date, and further confirms the presence of Na, K, H_2O, CO, CO_2, and SO_2 atmospheric absorbers. Through this process, we also improve the agreement between the transmission spectra of all modes, except for the NIRSpec PRISM, which is affected by partial saturation of the detector. This work provides strong evidence that uniform light curve analysis is an important aspect to ensuring reliability when comparing the high-precision transmission spectra provided by JWST.
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方法】:研究通过结合JWST的四种不同 instrumental modes(0.5-5.2微米波长范围)对WASP-39b的传输光谱进行综合分析,提高了波长覆盖和分辨率。

实验】:实验使用JWST Early Release Science观测数据,通过统一的光曲线分析方法,对WASP-39b的轨道和恒星参数进行了精确约束,并改进了不同模式下的传输光谱一致性,除了NIRSpec PRISM模式因探测器部分饱和而受影响。结果显示,Na、K、H_2O、CO、CO_2和SO_2等分子吸收特征得到确认。