
A Swift X-Ray View of the SMS4 Sample. II. X-Ray Properties of 17 Bright Radio Sources

The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series(2024)

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Based on a proposal to observe 18 bright radio sources from the SMS4 catalog with the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory (hereafter Swift), we obtained X-ray observations of 17 targets (one target was not observed). Following up our first paper that discussed 31 sources (see Maselli et al. 2022; 20 sources detected as point sources and one very extended source), we present results for this final sample of 17 radio sources, that previously lacked dedicated, pointed narrow FOV X-ray observations. One of these 17 sources, undetected by Swift due to a very short exposure, was instead detected by eROSITA, and given in the Data Release 1 (DR1) Catalog. No 1eRASS source was found in the DR1 for the remaining source, unobserved by Swift. The new Swift observations led to eleven X-ray source detections in the 0.3-10 keV band and six upper limits. We investigated the extent of the X-ray emission, the hardness ratio, and when statistics allowed we carried out a spectral analysis. The X-ray emission of eight sources is consistent with point-like emission, while three sources show clear evidence of extent, each with peculiar properties. We used the X-ray determined positions and uncertainties of the twelve detected sources to establish associations with infrared and optical sources from the AllWISE and the GSC 2.4.2 catalogs. Requiring a detection in both the infrared and the optical bands to establish a candidate counterpart for our X-ray detections, we identify counterparts for all twelve sources. We discuss the interesting structure of MRC B0344-345 and PKS B2148-555, two of the six extended X-ray sources that we detected in both our Swift campaigns, and suggest they are very promising for further X-ray and radio investigations. For the 38 SMS4 sources that lack pointed, narrow FOV X-ray telescope observations, after our Swift campaigns, we list 18 likely counterparts from the eROSITA DR1 catalog.
Active galaxies,Extragalactic radio sources,X-ray astronomy
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