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Evaluation of Mass Movement Hazard in the Shoreline of the Intertidal Complex of El Grove (pontevedra, Galicia)

Remote Sens(2024)

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Knowledge of hazard conditions due to mass movements is one of the non-structural measures for risk management, urban planning, and protection of natural resources. To obtain this type of mapping, a spatial construction was started by correlating the historical movements with the inherent variables of the terrain by means of the bivariate statistical method, which assigns densities or weights of evidence to estimate the degree of susceptibility. This model was combined with the triggering factors (rainfall and earthquake) to determine the spatiotemporal conditions (hazard). From this procedure, it was obtained that the susceptibility model presents 34% (32.33 km2) of the total area in the high and very high categories, especially in the regions of Mount Siradella and Mount Faro. The validation of the present model obtained a value of 0.945 with the ROC curve. For the hazard condition, 34.1% (32.06 km2) of the study area was found to be in the high and very high category, especially in the municipalities of El Grove, Sanxenxo, and A Illa de Arousa, which have the greatest extension. The present evaluation is an advance in the knowledge of the risk and the actions that can be derived, as in turn, this type of study is an easy tool to obtain due to its low cost and information processing.
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Key words
susceptibility,bivariate method,triggers,hazard,mass movements
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