HA-Net: A Hybrid Algorithm Model for Underwater Image Color Restoration and Texture Enhancement


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Due to the extremely irregular nonlinear degradation of images obtained in real underwater environments, it is difficult for existing underwater image enhancement methods to stably restore degraded underwater images, thus making it challenging to improve the efficiency of marine work. We propose a hybrid algorithm model for underwater image color restoration and texture enhancement, termed HA-Net. First, we introduce a dynamic color correction algorithm based on depth estimation to restore degraded images and mitigate color attenuation in underwater images by calculating the depth of targets and backgrounds. Then, we propose a multi-scale U-Net to enhance the network’s feature extraction capability and introduce a parallel attention module to capture image spatial information, thereby improving the model’s accuracy in recognizing deep semantics such as fine texture. Finally, we propose a global information compensation algorithm to enhance the output image’s integrity and boost the network’s learning ability. Experimental results on synthetic standard data sets and real data demonstrate that our method produces images with clear texture and bright colors, outperforming other algorithms in both subjective and objective evaluations, making it more suitable for real marine environments.
underwater image,hybrid algorithm,color restoration,texture enhancement
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