Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for COVID-19 from the Second Wave to the End of the Pandemic: In-Hospital Outcomes and 6-Months Follow-Up from the EuroECMO-COVID Multicenter Observational StudyMaria Elena De Piero,Silvia Mariani,Dominik Jarczak, Niklas Krenner, Enrique Perez de la Sota,Pedro Eduardo Silva, Magdalena Rommer,Mariusz Kowalewski,Simone Carelli,Lars Mikael Broman,Alain Vuylsteke,Philip Fortuna,Francesco Alessandri,Gennaro Martucci,Stephane ledot, Gosta Lotz,Udo Boeken,Sven Maier,Filip Burša,Bart Meyns,Matthias Haenggi, Severin Puss,Peter Schellongowski, Mehmet K. Kirali,Gil Bolotin,Nicholas Barrett,Jordi Riera,Thomas Mueller,Jan Bělohlávek,Roberto Lorussocrossref(2024)引用 0|浏览7AI 理解论文溯源树样例生成溯源树,研究论文发展脉络Chat Paper正在生成论文摘要