Measurement of the Integrated Luminosity of Data Samples Collected During 2019-2022 by the Belle II Experiment

The Belle II Collaboration,I. Adachi,L. Aggarwal,H. Ahmed,J. K. Ahn,H. Aihara,N. Akopov,A. Aloisio,N. Althubiti,N. Anh Ky,D. M. Asner, H. Atmacan,T. Aushev,V. Aushev,M. Aversano,R. Ayad,V. Babu,H. Bae,S. Bahinipati,P. Bambade,Sw. Banerjee,M. Barrett,J. Baudot,A. Baur,A. Beaubien,F. Becherer,J. Becker,J. V. Bennett,F. U. Bernlochner,V. Bertacchi,M. Bertemes,E. Bertholet,M. Bessner,S. Bettarini,B. Bhuyan,F. Bianchi,L. Bierwirth,T. Bilka,D. Biswas,A. Bobrov,D. Bodrov,J. Borah,A. Boschetti,A. Bozek,P. Branchini,T. E. Browder,A. Budano,S. Bussino,Q. Campagna,M. Campajola,L. Cao,G. Casarosa,C. Cecchi,J. Cerasoli,M. -C. Chang,P. Chang,R. Cheaib,P. Cheema,B. G. Cheon,K. Chilikin,K. Chirapatpimol,H. -E. Cho,K. Cho,S. -J. Cho,S. -K. Choi, S. Choudhury,J. Cochran,L. Corona,J. X. Cui,S. Das,E. De La Cruz-Burelo,S. A. De La Motte,G. de Marino,G. De Nardo,G. De Pietro,R. de Sangro,M. Destefanis,S. Dey,R. Dhamija,A. Di Canto,F. Di Capua,J. Dingfelder,Z. Doležal,I. Domínguez Jiménez,T. V. Dong,K. Dort,D. Dossett,S. Dubey,K. Dugic,G. Dujany,P. Ecker,D. Epifanov, J. Eppelt,P. Feichtinger,T. Ferber,T. Fillinger,C. Finck,G. Finocchiaro,A. Fodor,F. Forti,A. Frey,B. G. Fulsom,A. Gabrielli,E. Ganiev,M. Garcia-Hernandez,R. Garg,G. Gaudino,V. Gaur,A. Gaz,A. Gellrich,G. Ghevondyan,D. Ghosh,H. Ghumaryan,G. Giakoustidis,R. Giordano,A. Giri, P. Gironella,B. Gobbo,R. Godang,O. Gogota,P. Goldenzweig,W. Gradl,E. Graziani,D. Greenwald,Z. Gruberová,T. Gu,K. Gudkova,I. Haide,S. Halder,Y. Han,K. Hara,T. Hara,C. Harris,K. Hayasaka,H. Hayashii,S. Hazra,C. Hearty,M. T. Hedges,A. Heidelbach,I. Heredia de la Cruz,M. Hernández Villanueva,T. Higuchi,M. Hoek,M. Hohmann, R. Hoppe,P. Horak,C. -L. Hsu,T. Humair,K. Inami,N. Ipsita,A. Ishikawa,R. Itoh,M. Iwasaki,W. W. Jacobs,D. E. Jaffe,E. -J. Jang,Q. P. Ji,S. Jia,Y. Jin,A. Johnson, K. K. Joo,H. Junkerkalefeld,M. Kaleta,D. Kalita,J. Kandra, K. H. Kang,G. Karyan,T. Kawasaki,F. Keil, C. Kiesling, C. -H. Kim,D. Y. Kim,J. -Y. Kim,K. -H. Kim,Y. -K. Kim,Y. J. Kim,H. Kindo,K. Kinoshita, P. Kodyš,T. Koga,S. Kohani,K. Kojima,A. Korobov, S. Korpar, E. Kovalenko,R. Kowalewski, P. Križan,P. Krokovny, T. Kuhr, R. Kumar,K. Kumara,A. Kuzmin,Y. -J. Kwon,S. Lacaprara,Y. -T. Lai,K. Lalwani,T. Lam,L. Lanceri,J. S. Lange,M. Laurenza,K. Lautenbach,R. Leboucher,M. J. Lee,C. Lemettais,P. Leo,D. Levit,P. M. Lewis,C. Li,L. K. Li,S. X. Li, W. Z. Li,Y. Li,Y. B. Li,Y. P. Liao,J. Libby,J. Lin,M. H. Liu,Q. Y. Liu,Z. Q. Liu,D. Liventsev,S. Longo,T. Lueck,C. Lyu,Y. Ma,M. Maggiora,S. P. Maharana,R. Maiti,S. Maity,G. Mancinelli,R. Manfredi,E. Manoni,M. Mantovano,D. Marcantonio,S. Marcello,C. Marinas,C. Martellini,A. Martens,A. Martini,T. Martinov,L. Massaccesi,M. Masuda,K. Matsuoka,D. Matvienko,S. K. Maurya,J. A. McKenna,R. Mehta,F. Meier,M. Merola,C. Miller,M. Mirra,S. Mitra,K. Miyabayashi,G. B. Mohanty,S. Mondal,S. Moneta,H. -G. Moser,R. Mussa,I. Nakamura,M. Nakao,Y. Nakazawa,M. Naruki,D. Narwal,Z. Natkaniec,A. Natochii,M. Nayak,G. Nazaryan,M. Neu,C. Niebuhr,S. Nishida,S. Ogawa,Y. Onishchuk,H. Ono,P. Pakhlov,G. Pakhlova,E. Paoloni,S. Pardi,K. Parham,H. Park,J. Park, K. Park,S. -H. Park,B. Paschen,A. Passeri,S. Patra, T. K. Pedlar, R. Peschke, R. Pestotnik, G. Pinna Angioni,P. L. M. Podesta-Lerma,T. Podobnik,S. Pokharel,C. Praz,S. Prell,E. Prencipe,M. T. Prim,H. Purwar,P. Rados,G. Raeuber,S. Raiz,N. Rauls,M. Reif,S. Reiter,M. Remnev,L. Reuter,I. Ripp-Baudot,G. Rizzo,S. H. Robertson,M. Roehrken,J. M. Roney,A. Rostomyan,N. Rout,S. Sandilya,L. Santelj,Y. Sato,V. Savinov,B. Scavino,M. Schnepf,C. Schwanda,A. J. Schwartz,Y. Seino,A. Selce,K. Senyo,J. Serrano,C. Sfienti,W. Shan,C. Sharma,C. P. Shen, X. D. Shi,T. Shillington,T. Shimasaki,J. -G. Shiu,D. Shtol,B. Shwartz,A. Sibidanov,F. Simon,J. B. Singh,J. Skorupa,R. J. Sobie,M. Sobotzik,A. Soffer,A. Sokolov,E. Solovieva,W. Song,S. Spataro,B. Spruck,M. Starič,P. Stavroulakis,S. Stefkova,R. Stroili,Y. Sue,M. Sumihama,K. Sumisawa,W. Sutcliffe,N. Suwonjandee,H. Svidras,M. Takahashi,M. Takizawa,U. Tamponi, K. Tanida,F. Tenchini,A. Thaller,O. Tittel,R. Tiwary,E. Torassa,K. Trabelsi,I. Ueda,K. Unger,Y. Unno,K. Uno,S. Uno,P. Urquijo,Y. Ushiroda,S. E. Vahsen,R. van Tonder,K. E. Varvell,M. Veronesi,A. Vinokurova,V. S. Vismaya,L. Vitale,V. Vobbilisetti,R. Volpe,A. Vossen,M. Wakai,S. Wallner,E. Wang,M. -Z. Wang,Z. Wang,A. Warburton,S. Watanuki,C. Wessel,E. Won,X. P. Xu,B. D. Yabsley,S. Yamada,W. Yan,S. B. Yang,J. Yelton,J. H. Yin,K. Yoshihara,C. Z. Yuan,L. Zani,B. Zhang,V. Zhilich,J. S. Zhou,Q. D. Zhou,V. I. Zhukova,R. Žlebčík

Chinese Physics C(2024)

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A series of data samples was collected with the Belle II detector at the SuperKEKB collider from March 2019 to June 2022. We determine the integrated luminosities of these data samples using three distinct methodologies involving Bhabha (e^+e^- → e^+e^-(nγ)), digamma (e^+e^- →γγ(nγ)), and dimuon (e^+e^- →μ^+ μ^- (nγ)) events. The total integrated luminosity obtained with Bhabha, digamma, and dimuon events is (426.88 ± 0.03 ± 2.61) fb^-1, (429.28 ± 0.03 ± 2.62) fb^-1, and (423.99 ± 0.04 ± 3.83) fb^-1, where the first uncertainties are statistical and the second are systematic. The resulting total integrated luminosity obtained from the combination of the three methods is (427.87 ± 2.01) fb^-1.
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