Glossary of Terms Used in Biochar Research (IUPAC Technical Report)

Fotis Bilias,Divine Damertey Sewu,Seung Han Woo, Ioannis Anastopoulos,Frank Verheijen,Johannes Lehmann,Wenceslau Geraldes Teixeira, Dionisios Gasparatos,Kathleen Draper, Dimitrios Kalderis

Pure and applied chemistry(2024)

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Biochar is the solid carbonaceous product of biomass pyrolysis. The properties of biochar depend on the biomass feedstock as well as the pyrolysis temperature and time. Therefore, biochars with different properties and functionalities can be produced. Biochar research has been intensive in the past 15 years, focusing mainly on soil applications, wastewater treatment, and contaminant remediation. However, a formal definition of biochar and related terms is missing, which hinders the standardization of scientific results worldwide and the scaling-up of research at the industrial level. Furthermore, an official terminology may promote the development of a harmonized legal framework for biochar production and applications, both at regional and national levels. This glossary of terms consists of 178 scientifically sound definitions of the most commonly used terms in biochar research. The definitions of this glossary are interconnected, allowing the reader to further explore the synergies between terms. The distribution of terms reflects the multidisciplinarity of biochar research: chemistry, material science and engineering, and soil science are the main disciplines represented here. The list of terms is by no means exhaustive and the strategic objective of this effort is to develop a dynamic document in which more terms will be added in the future, and the existing ones will be refined, as biochar research evolves.
biochar,biomass,carbon,circular bio-economy,sustainable development
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