The Professional Radiation Workforce in the United States
Wayne Newhauser,Jacqueline P. Williams,Michael A. Noska,Caridad Borrás, E Vincent Holahan,Shaheen Dewji,Thomas E. Johnson,Jerry W. Hiatt,J.W. Poston,Nolan E. Hertel,Dustin A. Gress,Michael Mills,David W. Jordan,Steven G Sutlief,Melissa Martin,Edward F. Jackson,Edward I. Bluth,Donald P. Frush,M. Elizabeth Oates,Jeanne M. LaBerge,Hubert Y. Pan,Seth A. Rosenthal,Lawrence W. Townsend, Lori Brady, Janice Lindegard,Howard L. Hall, Elizabeth McAndrew‐Benavides, Eric W. Abelquist,Mitchell S. Anscher,Marcelo E. Vazquez,Amy Kronenberg,Jeffrey S. Willey,Theodore Lawrence,Gayle E. Woloschak,Brian Marples,Rosemary Wong,Michael D. Story,Roger W. Howell,Tom K. Hei,Sergey Y. Tolmachev,John D. Auxier, Thomas L Rucker,Mikael Nilsson, R. Sudowe, Brian A. Powell,Mark P. Jensen Journal of applied clinical medical physics(2022)
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