Constraining modified gravity with weak lensing peaks


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It is well established that maximizing the information extracted from upcoming and ongoing stage-IV weak-lensing surveys requires higher-order summary statistics that complement the standard two-point statistics. In this work, we focus on weak-lensing peak statistics to test two popular modified gravity models, f(R) and nDGP, using the FORGE and BRIDGE weak-lensing simulations, respectively. From these simulations we measure the peak statistics as a function of both cosmological and modified gravity parameters simultaneously. Our findings indicate that the peak abundance is sensitive to the strength of modified gravity, while the peak two-point correlation function is sensitive to the nature of the screening mechanism in a modified gravity model. We combine these simulated statistics with a Gaussian Process Regression emulator and a Gaussian likelihood to generate stage-IV forecast posterior distributions for the modified gravity models. We demonstrate that, in a systematics-free case, peak statistics can constrain log_10(f_R0) = -6 to 2 find that our weakest models, log_10(f_R0) < 6.17 and log_10(H_0 r_c) > 1, can be ruled out at the two sigma level with an area of 300 deg^2 and 1000 deg^2, respectively, with the upcoming stage-IV data.
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