Rideshare Transparency: Translating Gig Worker Insights on AI Platform Design to Policy


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Rideshare platforms exert significant control over workers through algorithmic systems that can result in financial, emotional, and physical harm. What steps can platforms, designers, and practitioners take to mitigate these negative impacts and meet worker needs? In this paper, through a novel mixed methods study combining a LLM-based analysis of over 1 million comments posted to online platform worker communities with semi-structured interviews of workers, we thickly characterize transparency-related harms, mitigation strategies, and worker needs while validating and contextualizing our findings within the broader worker community. Our findings expose a transparency gap between existing platform designs and the information drivers need, particularly concerning promotions, fares, routes, and task allocation. Our analysis suggests that rideshare workers need key pieces of information, which we refer to as indicators, to make informed work decisions. These indicators include details about rides, driver statistics, algorithmic implementation details, and platform policy information. We argue that instead of relying on platforms to include such information in their designs, new regulations that require platforms to publish public transparency reports may be a more effective solution to improve worker well-being. We offer recommendations for implementing such a policy.
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