Resonating Electrostatically Guided Electrons

M. Seidling, F. D. F. Schmidt-Kaler, R. Zimmermann, J. W. Simonaitis,P. D. Keathley,K. K. Berggren,P. Hommelhoff

Physical review letters(2024)

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An essential component for quantum -enhanced measurements with free electrons is an electron resonator. We report stable guiding of free electrons at 50 eV energy for up to seven round trips in a linear autoponderomotive guiding structure, which is realized with two microstructured printed circuit boards that generate the required electromagnetic fields. Free electrons are laser triggered from a sharp tungsten needle tip and coupled in at the front of the electron resonator with the help of sub -nanosecond -fast switchable electron mirrors. After a variable time delay, we open the rear electron mirror and measure the number of trapped electrons with a delay -line detector. We demonstrate, simulate, and show ways of optimizing an electron resonator in simulations, which will help enable "interaction -free " measurement setups, including multipass and quantum -Zeno effect based schemes, helping to realize the quantum electron microscope.
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