
Status epilepticus management in patients with brain tumors. A cohort study.


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PURPOSE:Status epilepticus (SE) represents a neurological emergency with significant morbidity and mortality. SE in patients with primary brain tumors received only limited attention to date; detailed analysis of treatment flow is lacking, especially as compared to other SE causes. This study aims to describe the frequency and treatment flow of tumor-related SE and compare it to other SE etiologies. METHODS:Retrospective cohort study based on an institutional SE registry (SERCH) comprising adult SE (excluding post-anoxic causes), treated between January 2013 and December 2022, comparing SE management, frequency of refractory SE, and clinical outcome, among four patients' groups stratified by SE etiology: Non-neoplastic, Gliomas, Brain metastases, Other brain tumors. RESULTS:We analyzed 961 episodes in 831 patients (Non-neoplastic: 649, Gliomas: 85, Metastases: 77, Other brain tumors: 20). Although tumor-patients presented more often with focal episodes and less consciousness impairment than non-neoplastic patients, administration of benzodiazepines as first-line treatment (>75% across all groups), and utilization of second-line ASM were similar across groups. Treatment adequacy was marginally higher in glioma patients compared to the non-neoplastic population (p: 0.049), while refractory SE was comparable in all groups (p: 0.269). No significant differences in clinical outcomes were observed (mortality: non-neoplastic (89/649, 13.7%), glioma (8/85, 9.4%), metastases (14/77, 18.2%), other tumors (5/20, 25.0%), p: 0.198; non-neoplastic vs. glioma, p: 0.271) CONCLUSION: Tumor-associated SE represents 1/5 of all SE episodes, and is managed similarly to other SE causes. Treatment responsiveness and short-term clinical outcomes also exhibit comparable results.
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