MDENet: Multi-domain Differential Excavating Network for Remote Sensing Image Change Detection

IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing(2024)

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Remote sensing image change detection can analyze alterations on the Earth’s surface within a specific region. However, the accuracy of change detection has consistently been hindered by the style differences in captured images caused by seasonal or lighting variations, as well as the challenge of distinguishing similar features between the background and foreground in the scene. To this end, a multi-domain differential excavating network (MDENet) for change detection is introduced. By using the novel multi-domain differential collaboration module (MDCM) to precisely capture object features on the frequency-domain and the spatial-domain across diverse temporal domains, it enables simultaneous querying of global and local change information. Moreover, the multi-neighborhood frequency gate attention (MFGatt) is devised to eliminate the impact of image style relevance information and consolidate attention toward object localization, thereby enhancing the adaptability of the network to variations in image style. Extensive experiments have illustrated that our proposed network achieves better detection accuracy compared to current state-of-the-art methods on various datasets.
remote sensing image change detection,frequency-domain analysis,deep learning
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