Interacting Holes in a Gated WSe2 Quantum Channel: Valley Correlations and Zigzag Wigner Crystal

Physical Review B(2024)

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We present a theory of interacting valence holes in a gate-defined one-dimensional quantum channel in a single layer of a transition metal dichalcogenide material WSe_2. Based on a microscopic atomistic tight-binding model and Hartree-Fock and exact configuration-interaction tools we demonstrate the possibility of symmetry-broken valley polarized states for strongly interacting holes. The interplay between interactions, perpendicular magnetic field, and the lateral confinement asymmetry together with the strong Rashba spin-orbit coupling present in WSe_2 material is analyzed, and its impact on valley polarization is discussed. For weaker interactions, an investigation of the pair correlation function reveals a valley-antiferromagnetic phase. For low hole densities, a formation of a zigzag Wigner crystal phase is predicted. The impact of various hole liquid phases on transport in a high mobility quasi-one dimensional channel is discussed.
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