
Comparison of Testicular Sonography and Elastography Findings with Semen Parameters in Cases Investigated for Infertility.

Ramil Aliyev, Ilhan Hekimsoy,Ipek Tamsel, Duygu Doga Ekizalioglu,Mustafa Serdar Kalemci,Baris Altay

Journal of ultrasound in medicine(2024)

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Objectives-This study aimed to investigate the correlation between testicular shear wave elastography (SWE) values and semen analysis results in men with infertility. Methods-This was a retrospective case-control study. Patients were categorized as normal, abnormal, or azoospermic based on sperm analysis results. Testicular volume was measured using B-mode ultrasonography using the Lambert formula. Subsequently, 40-80 regions of interest measuring 1.5 x 1.5 mm were manually positioned in both testicles based on their size, and two-dimensional SWE was applied through virtual touch imaging quantification software. Results-The patients had a mean age of 33.79 +/- 6.3 years, with semen analysis revealing normal results in 15 patients (22.4%), pathological findings in 35 patients (52.2%), and azoospermia in 17 patients (25.4%). Right, left, total, and mean testicular volumes were significantly lower in patients with azoospermia compared to those in both normal and impaired semen parameters (P < .05). Conversely, testicular elastography scores were higher in patients with azoospermia than in the other groups (P < .05). The significant negative correlation between volume and elastographic findings remained independent of age (r = 0.4, P < .001). The accuracy rates for detecting impaired semen parameters and azoospermia were 94.3% and 94.1%, respectively, after considering factors such as age, testicular volume (right/left/total), and elastography (right/left/total). Notably, the total mean elastography score ranked first, with 100% in the independent normalized importance distribution of these variables. Conclusion-SWE can be used effectively alone or in combination with other diagnostic tools to evaluate histopathological changes in the testicles of male patients with infertility.
azoospermia,elasticity imaging,male infertility,semen analysis,shear wave velocity
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