
Kinematics and Dynamics of the Galactic Bar Revealed by Gaia Long-Period Variables

Hanyuan Zhang,Vasily Belokurov,N. Wyn Evans, Sarah G. Kane,Jason L. Sanders


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We use low-amplitude, long period variable (LA-LPV) candidates in Gaia DR3 to trace the kinematics and dynamics of the Milky Way bar. LA-LPVs, like other LPVs, are intrinsically bright and follow a tight period-luminosity relation, but unlike e.g. Mira variables, their radial velocity measurements are reliable due to their smaller pulsation amplitudes. We supplement the Gaia astrometric and radial velocity measurements with distance moduli assigned using a period-luminosity relation to acquire full 6D phase space information. The assigned distances are validated by comparing to geometric distances and StarHorse distances, which shows biases less than ∼5%. Our sample provides an unprecedented panoramic picture of the inner Galaxy with minimal selection effects. We map the kinematics of the inner Milky Way and find a significant kinematic signature corresponding to the Galactic bar. We measure the pattern speed of the Galactic bar using the continuity equation and find Ω_ b=34.1±2.4 km s^-1 kpc^-1. We develop a simple, robust and potential-independent method to measure the dynamical length of the bar using only kinematics and find R_ b∼4.0 kpc. We validate both measurements using N-body simulations. Assuming knowledge of the gravitational potential of the inner Milky Way, we analyse the orbital structure of the Galactic bar using orbital frequency ratios. The x_1 orbits are the dominant bar-supporting orbital family in our sample. Amongst the selected bar stars, the x_1 v_1 or "banana" orbits constitute a larger fraction (∼ 15%) than other orbital families in the bar, implying that they are the dominant family contributing to the Galactic X-shape, although contributions from other orbital families are also present.
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